Francois le Roux and Geert Oldenbeuving combine artistic talents in the Tamboerpassage Hoogeveen

‘An anniversary should be celebrated’, they thought. Artist Geert Oldenbeuving and freelance musician/performer Francois le Roux from South Africa (graduated cellist, pianist and flutist) will perform together again on Saturday 9 July at 2 p.m. In the middle of the Tamboerpassage.

During a concert of about an hour (with free entrance), Geert Oldenbeuving tries to capture the music of Francois le Roux in a painting.

They’ve done it before. In the cultural year ‘Harttocht’ (2007) in which Hoogeveen was proclaimed the cultural city of Drenthe. Their joint performance took place in Het Podium at the time. This year the performance will take place in the Tamboerpassage.

Since 2007 they have transferred their creativity in dozens of schools in Hoogeveen, to thousands of children, of whom – to this day – they also try to capture the music of Francois. Oldenbeuving: „Don’t paint with music on, but give the sounds color on canvas and look for balance. To be one with the music of the cello/piano/flute or dance of the versatile musician.”
