Francesca Fagnani: the Sanremo monologue on school and prisoners

«Sthorrific, sunny, ironic, but with her it is absolutely forbidden to let your guard down. Although she does everything to look like one, she is anything but a beast.’ With this presentation Amadeus welcomed on the Ariston stage Francesca Fagnani. During second evening of Festival of Sanremo 2023, the co-host read a monologue on the importance of the rehabilitation of the condemned. A contribution, actually, worthy of a real beast.

Francesca Fagnani in Sanremo 2023, the monologue dedicated to underage prisoners

«Not all words are the same and not all come to us easily»he begins. “There are words that to get on the Sanrmmo stage they have to tear down walls, walls, grates and triple locked gates». The intervention was written together with the boys detained in the juvenile prison of Nisida. Through some simple and direct questions, Fagnani emphasizes the causes that led them to commit crimes.

Above all, it places emphasis on state responsibilitywho sometimes forgets the primary function of the prison sentence: the re-education of the convict, as established by art. 27 of the Constitution. They are young people «who are serving their sentences there and elsewhere, but without seeking our sentence. Why they don’t care about our pain».

He asks them what they would like to say to the Sanremo 2023 audience. «That stealing is not my job. I did it once and look where I ended up.’ Another explains what prompted him to get into a fight with a knife in his pocket. “It was like saying: look at me, I want to exist too.”

And when he asks if he was afraid while committing a robbery, the answer is sadly illuminating: “I grew up nervous, angry. Those who do things out of anger are not afraid. The fear of dying? Sooner or later…”. These are words that come clear and strong. It is a crescendo that Francesca Fagnani carries on with a firm voice. To give back to each word the right weight and the right dignity.

Francesca Fagnani. (Getty Images)

“Prison serves only to punish the guilty, not to re-educate”

The detention of a minor is a failure, “but fate is not irreversible”. If once they’ve served their sentence, they’ll be able to find a job and abide by the law, fine. Otherwise “it’s really over”. She then focuses on the condition of Italian prisons. “With some fine exceptions, prison serves only to punish the guilty. It does not serve to re-educate nor to reintegrate into society».

He concludes by recalling that “if we don’t make sure that whoever leaves prison is better than the one who entered, it will be a failure for everyone. And if we don’t get there out of civility, out of humanity, out of respect for Article 27 of the Constitution, let’s get there out of selfishness. Everyone agrees that that robber, that drug dealer, once out, change jobs».

