France’s greatest strengths for transforming the building sector

France has always been the country of inventors, entrepreneurs and thinkers. In all circumstances and at all times, it has shown itself capable of meeting challenges and above all, of innovating. Today, it is experiencing a transition in the construction sector of course, but also in industry and energy where it intends to obtain a central place. To promote “Made in France” even more, it must draw on its greatest strengths in order to transform the BTP (Building and Public Works) sector: but what, exactly, are France’s greatest assets?

Renewable energies

In line with the paris agreements, France is trying to break away from oil and gas little by little and is focusing instead on renewable energies: thanks to the wind, the sun, water, recycling, it is now possible to create electricity and heat. More and more houses are equipped with photovoltaic panels and even those which are not can be equipped with them thanks to a renovation project with Hellio, for example. Energy renovation and home improvement work are taking precedence over new construction, thanks to the numerous public aids they receive.

Eco-friendly materials

With the “Climate and Resilience” law passed in August 2021, France must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030. More and more buildings now use less or non-polluting materials: Liddl, for example, will build its first supermarkets entirely in wood! Brick (in terracotta, single wall or silico-limestone), hemp or even straw are also ecological materials which are essential, in particular by their strong power of insulation.

In the same category

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The Construtech is simply defined: these are the new technologies in the field of construction. Thanks to its development, the construction industry can now use software and solutions (to make estimates, organize construction sites, plan a budget, develop a 3D project, etc.) which save companies considerable time. These innovations can be divided into three categories of tools:

  • those who help to plan, organize, budget. In short, those that save time upstream!
  • those that allow comparisons and therefore the best possible choice in terms of materials, working conditions or other.
  • those which make it possible to reduce the difficulty of construction sites by taking charge of the most dangerous and/or repetitive tasks.

… and new technologies

The use of new technologies and artificial intelligence has become almost commonplace in our everyday life: in our cars, in our smartphones… But also in our buildings! “Smart Buildings”, or “intelligent buildings” are beginning to emerge. These offices use new technologies to make everyone’s daily life easier. They make it possible to measure energy consumption but also to manage maintenance and safety. It is now possible to turn off the heating or activate an alarm remotely.
