France will relax corona rules from March 14 | Abroad

France will relax the corona rules from March 14. The relaxation means that the vaccination pass is only needed to enter care homes. Face masks are also only mandatory in public transport, no more.

“The health situation is improving,” said Prime Minister Jean Castex. French Health Minister Olivier Véran believes the worst times of the pandemic are over.

The relaxation will come into effect a month before the presidential elections on April 10. Sources close to President Emmanuel Macron said he will officially run for a second term as president this week.

France is following the example of several European countries, such as the Netherlands, which have already implemented similar relaxations.

‘Empire of Freedom’

Belgium will also consider the corona situation tomorrow. There are a lot of relaxation on the table, which may open the door to the ‘Empire of Freedom’ again. The Consultation Committee of the six governments will meet from 1 p.m. to remove the latest corona restrictions. Things like the obligation to wear a face mask in public transport are expected to remain for a while.

The corona figures in Belgium are looking quite good at the moment. The epidemiological situation and the pressure on hospitals are under control.
