France wants to set up a new NATO mission in Romania with the Netherlands

France is investigating whether it can set up a new military mission in Romania together with the Netherlands, to better protect NATO’s south-eastern flank against possible Russian aggression. Paris is also looking at other NATO countries, but sees the Netherlands as an important “strategic partner”, France’s highest-ranking soldier Thierry Burkhard said in an interview with NRC.

Also read: The interview with General Thierry Burkhard: ‘Everything points to a Russian attack’

According to Burkhard, who was on a working visit in recent days, the Netherlands has “the military capacity to deliver” for such a mission. He is already discussing possible options with his Dutch counterpart Onno Eichelsheim. “Of course, political decision-making is still necessary from both sides, but militarily we are already trying to implement it as much as possible, so that we can act immediately as soon as the decision is made.” The French themselves are thinking of a Dutch contribution of around two hundred soldiers.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense says that there is no official French request yet, but that the French wishes will be looked at “very seriously”. NATO has not yet taken a decision on expanding the so-called Enhanced Forward Presence in Eastern Europe. Defense therefore does not want to “prejudge the decision-making process.”

NATO expansion in Eastern Europe

NATO is currently discussing expanding its military presence in Eastern Europe in view of the impending war in Ukraine. In the coming weeks, a decision will be made on the stationing of reinforced battalions (battle groups) of about 1,000 soldiers in Romania and Bulgaria. France has presented itself as lead nation in Romania.

The Netherlands has been participating in a German battle group in Lithuania for several years now. Recently, the cabinet decided to extend the mission and expand it to about three hundred soldiers. In addition, due to the mounting tension over Ukraine, the cabinet decided to station two F-35 fighter aircraft in Bulgaria.

Last Friday, the cabinet announced that the Netherlands will supply military equipment and weapons to Ukraine. These include 100 sniper rifles with associated ammunition, 3,000 combat helmets and 2,000 shard vests, and five weapon location radars, which can be used to detect where incoming artillery fire is coming from.
