Franca Leosini turns 88: her most famous phrases

F.ranca Leosini is a real star. Not only on TV, where she collects millions of plays with the program Cursed Stories. The presenter is most famous for her sharp language so much that some his sentences, also addressed to the protagonists of the crime news, had a second life on social networks, with dedicated pages. And, today that the presenter blows out 88 candleswe can only celebrate it like this: with a roundup of his most famous phrases.

Franca Leosini: “I possess words”


To those who point out to her that her language, somewhat polished, sharp and sometimes ironic, has now become one of the characteristic features of her character, she replies: “I don’t look for words, I have them“. And this is precisely one of the many phrases of the Instagram page The pearls of Franca Leosini. And to those who tell her that she is now a web star thanks to her language, she replies: “It is the internet that occupies me, not me that occupies the internet“.

The most famous phrases

Life begins and ends in bed“,”Vanity has the feminine article but it is more masculine»Are some of the most famous maxims of the presenter. It’s still, “The brain is not a meatball in the middle of the head“.

Cursed Stories, Sabrina Misseri and those massages to Ivano: Leosini presses and she blurts out

Cursed Stories, Sabrina Misseri and those massages to Ivano: Leosini presses and she blurts out

From the Erba massacre

Among the cases of crime reported by Leosini is the Erba massacre. “Signora Bazzi’s charm was not of a burning brilliance»,« Azouz is polished. He looks like a tronista of Maria De Filippi “are some of the phrases used during the episode.

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The crime of Avetrana

But it is the episode dedicated to crime of Avetrana in which Sarah Scazzi lost her life, the one in which Leosini makes a truly excellent use of her language skills. “What did he do besides spreading cellulite craters to his clients in Avetrana?»He asks Sabrina Misseri. And referring to her flirtation with Ivano Russo, she says: “The chatter of this passionella ran in Avetrana more than public transport“. Then the comparison between Ivano and one of the most famous Hollywood stars: “Brad Pitt looks like a rumpled biped“.

“It’s the Internet that occupies me, not me that occupies the Internet!”

Dear Leosini, best wishes, and never change.

