Framed 2 by Ficarra and Picone: plot, episodes and actors on Netflix

un murder mystery, two naive men and a series of kidnappings. Start here Stuck 2the series by and with Ficarra and Piconein exit today up Netflix. After the success of the first season, the two actors Palermitans write the second chapter of a funny comedy of misunderstandings. Enriched by various elements, which expand the plot and make it even more exciting.

Stuck 2the plot

The second season of Get stuck starts from where the first ended, i.e. from the accident in the countryside. Salvo (Salvo Ficarra) and Valentino (Valentino Picone) involuntarily run over Holy Father or goalkeeper Martorana (Maurizio Marchetti) and, while they are wondering what is right to do, he intervenes Tonino Macaluso known as Useless Thing (Tony Sperandeo). He threatens them with a gun and their new adventure begins.

What is useless is clear: if the Most Holy Father dies, they too will die. So, they are forced to do everything in their power to save itor. And to save their skin too, they start telling lies to their loved ones again. Lie after lie, the skein becomes more and more inextricable, up to the risk of jeopardize important relationships.

Now Valentino is engaged to Agata Scalia (Marianna Di Martino)a former schoolmate with whom he has always been in love, as well as deputy commissioner. Their relationship is booming. I’m about to go to cohabit and Valentino knows Robertino (Luca Morello), the son of the partner.

It is not all roses and flowers, because, in addition to the problems with the gang, he has disagreements with the mother Antonietta (Mary Cipolla), the classic jealous mother-in-lawwhich does nothing to hide its own antipathy towards the daughter-in-law. For her Agata is only «the one there» and there is no way to change her mind.

The entrance of new characters

Salvo, on the other hand, is en route with Ester (Anna Favella), boasts of a crackling single life and dissuades Valentino from the desire for a stable relationship. In fact, he spends his evenings on the couch watching his favorite series, The touch of the killer. It’s still in love with his wife, but too proud to admit it.

In this context, they fit new twists and new characters that shuffle the cards. Primarily, the murder of two bricklayers found in Gambino’s apartment (Sasà Salvaggio). Who killed them and why? Then, foreign criminals arrive, determined to conquer the territory. AND Salvo and Valentino are forced against their will to become accomplices of the Most Holy Fatherdespite wanting to trap him.

About this, the investigations in the prosecutor’s office prove to be more difficult than expected. Finally, to complicate things over the 6 episodesAlso the role of information. Come back Sergio Friscia in the role of Sergione, a sui generis investigative journalist, always on the hunt for scoops, who now has to deal with his rampant colleague Bellomo.

Except Ficarra and Valentino Picone in “Incastrati 2”. (Netflix)

The review by Stuck 2

Ficarra and Picone sign a well-packaged series, halfway between comedy and crime, which captures the viewer from start to finish. Enigma and intrigue are at the heart of the narrative. The twists, one after the other, enrich the plot, without confusing it. to help, the unmistakable style of the duo. Ironic, pungent, sagacious jokes inserted in dialogues that always manage to elicit a smile.

Marianna Di Martino, Valentino Picone and Anna Favella in a scene image. (Netflix)

Telling the story of the mafia is an enterprise in which many have tried and are still trying. To do it comically and not dramatic it’s a challenge Not easy. Because the risk of falling into the caricature is high. Instead, Stuck 2 returns the photograph of an atrocious world, capable of the most heinous crimes, but does so lightly.

The register, in fact, is that of comedy. Despite that, there is space for reflection and also for current events. An example above all, the stereotypes on role of the woman relegated to the kitchen. A very clear image in Valentino’s mind, overturned by Useless Thing, proud to be a man capable of providing for himself. Furthermore, he is an expert in waste separation. The last character from whom one would expect such an open-mindedness.

All in all, with Stuck 2 the Palermo comedians confirm themselves as attentive observers and excellent interpreters. Compared to the first season, the series appears enriched, more multifaceted, more captivating. And there is no shortage of moments of emotionthanks also to one extraordinary Leo Gullottain the role of prosecutor Nicolosi.

