Fragments of her: the crime series with Toni Colette succeeded

Lto series Fragments of her does not have an original screenplay: it is taken from novel namesake of Karin Slaughter.

Diluting it in eight episodes, being careful to distribute the climax moments well, was not easy. Minkie Spiro – showrunner and director – he does it very well in the first few episodesin which we understand that the past of Laura Oliver hides more than a secret which is heavily affecting his present. But the construction is then lost, even if not completely.

Fragments of her: the plot

Laura (Toni Colette) and Andy (Bella Heatcote) are mother and daughter, they live in Belle Isle in Georgia, and are the quintessence of the American middle class: social worker one, receptionist at the local police station the other.

The first reversal of perspective occurs during a lunch in one banal and very quiet diner, when a guy shoots his ex-girlfriend in the middle of the room. And while Andy is shocked to the ground, Laura neutralize the boy with a ninja move.

A move that, we immediately understand, betrays a past that is anything but that of a quiet provincial social worker. Suspicion confirmed by Laura’s total anxiety in seeing the images of her intervention broadcast on the news. Is there anyone who, recognizing her, will track her down? Who? And why?

All these questions are slowly resolved, first in a wise way and then in an increasingly tangled and unrealistic way. Laura is actually called Jane, and she is on the FBI witness program, who built her new existence on Belle Isle. Which apparently is about to collapse.

Meanwhile Andy, under mama’s instruction ran away, is crossing the country but someone chases her.

Bella Heathcote and Toni Collette. (Netflix)

The two women, the FBI, Laura’s brother who we discover is the heir to a pharmaceutical empire and running for the vice presidency of the United States. And finally the leader of a far-left terrorist group active in the seventies, obviously wanted by the feds.

Who is the real one villain Of Fragments of her?

One of the most intriguing aspects of the serieswhich is indeed compelling, but which reserves for the finale a whole series of twists and narrative junctions that perhaps would have deserved more space, is the fact is not at all easy to understand who the bad guy is. Initially one is led to think that the dark side of the story both Jane / Laura belong to the past – and above all to the figure of Nick Harpleader ofArmy of the Renewala far-left organization that is described as terrorist and of which one of the two brothers joins Jane / Laura, Andrew.

It is also soon revealed that Jane’s family (of surname Queller) has several shadows. To begin with, the father, Martin, he built an empire thanks to the pharmaceutical industry but also thanks to his ruthlessness: Much of what is contested by the Renewal Army is just that.

The effects of QuellCorp’s drugs have been severe in many casesand the tycoon refuses to answer for it, which makes him the target of the Army, which kills him during a conference in Oslo. Towards the end the character of is introduced in more depth Jasperbrother of Jane / Laura and Andrew, who in his youth he plotted with them against his fatherand which today is running for the White House.

fragments of her plot dotted tones collette

Joe Dempsie plays terrorist Nick Harp. Jessica Barden plays Jane / Laura as a young man. (Netflix)

As the episodes progress the number of villain salt up to also include Jane / Laura herself in this squad. While at first it seems clear that behind Martin Qeuller’s death is Nick Harplittle by little the involvement of both Jasper and Jane emerges.

Only at the end does it become clear that (spoiler) the idea of ​​the murder is to be attributed only and only to Janeand that the image of the young woman subjugated by the charisma of the terrorist leader she is actually very conscious and determined to get what she wants.

Will there be a second season?

No news has been leaked from Netflix regarding a second season of Fragments of herbut the ending, e some of the elements left without a real explanation (who is Jasper Queller’s head of security who has known Jane since her youth, and what does the coin given by Nick Harp to Andy and now in the latter’s hand represent) they portend that sooner or later a chapter two will be there.

