Foxes Berlin: Spectacular U-turn at Dane Star?

In the fall of last year, Füchse Berlin announced the separation from handball superstar Hans Lindberg at the end of the season. But now there seems to be a spectacular reversal.

As the Danish broadcaster “TV2” reports, the foxes and Lindberg have agreed to extend the expiring contract until 2024. We got that from several sources.

According to the report, those responsible at the foxes have regretted their decision not to continue working with Lindberg and have presented him with a new working paper.

Lindberg himself declined to comment on the rumours. The foxes left a request from the TV station unanswered.

In October 2022, Lindberg announced his departure from the foxes himself. “I’m the one playing the most minutes in the team at the moment. And it’s only been two months since we talked about extending the contract by a year, so I’m a little surprised that this announcement comes so suddenly “Said the Dane to “TV2” at the time.

Sports director Stefan Kretzschmar justified the decision at the time with perspective aspects. “I’m also trying to keep an eye on the club for the next three to four years. That’s why it should be seen as a decision for the future,” he told dpa.

Foxes have already committed successors to Lindberg

Lindberg is already 41 years old. Still, he’s one of the best right wingers in the league. In 19 games of the current HBL season, the veteran has already scored 123 goals, making him the foxes’ best pitcher. And that despite the fact that Lindberg has been out with a broken hand since mid-February.

If the extension rumors prove true, Lindberg could become HBL’s all-time top scorer. The left-hander currently sits second with 2,882 goals behind record-breaking Kyung-Shin Yoon (2,905).

The foxes signed a successor for Lindberg in November. The capital club signed the 20-year-old left-hander Hakun West from the Faroe Islands from the 2023/24 season.
