Foxes Berlin beat Winterthur and are in the round of 16

Füchse Berlin had a successful start to the new year and made it through to the round of 16 in the European League. On Tuesday, the weakened handball Bundesliga team won in a catch-up game at the Swiss champions Pfadi Winterthur with 30:27 (15:11).

The foxes remain undefeated at the top of Group A. The best Berlin thrower was Hans Lindberg with ten goals.

Coach Jaron Siewert had to do without six players. In Fabian Wiede, Jacob Holm (both Corona positive), Marian Michalczik Nils Lichtlein (both injured), Valter Chrintz and keeper Fredrik Genz (both with cold symptoms) almost a complete team was missing.

The core team started confidently and quickly took a 3:1 lead. But the Berliners then made a few mistakes and lost the ball, the Swiss equalized again at 8:8.

However, the foxes remained calm and, thanks to good defensive work, increasingly won the ball again. Before the break, they were able to pull away again, but missed an even clearer half-time lead.

After a 4:1 run immediately after the break, the foxes were able to pull away (19:12). But then the thread in the Berlin game tore.

Curious: Because keeper Dejan Milosavljev received a time penalty, outfield player Lindberg had to go into the goal for two minutes and even made a save.

Nevertheless, Winterthur suddenly took the lead by 23:22. In the final phase, however, the foxes secured victory with a 7:3 run.


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