Four years in prison for Berlin cocaine speeder

The sign “Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office” at the entrance to the court building on Turmstrasse in Moabit

A sign from the Berlin public prosecutor’s office at the court in Moabit (symbolic image) Photo: soe dna

By Anne Losensky

Four years in prison for the cocaine speedster who drove himself in a car race. Fadi El-H, who has just received his driving license. (49) from Tempelhof off again!

THE CASE. On June 22, 2022, an Audi A5 races along the highway near Wandlitz at 219 km/h. The speed limit is 120 km/h. Fadi El-H. has one hand on the steering wheel, films the speedometer with the other. Overtakes a camper, a blue car quickly swerves out of the way.

The Audi driver sends the showing off film of the incredible speed to his girlfriend via WhatsApp. He is said to have even accelerated to 250 km/h! But nothing happened. Then nine months later, in March 2023, his apartment was searched: suspected cocaine trafficking.

The police not only find WhatsApp traffic with drug customers on the cell phone, but also the 58-second speeding video evidence! Five speed camera photos can also be attributed to him.

He had just gotten his driver’s license two months earlier in January 2023. The painter’s assistant (seven children) is put behind bars. A hair sample proves long-term cocaine use.

THE JUDGMENT. The public prosecutor requested 6 years and 6 months imprisonment for the cocaine dealer, who had a criminal record (20 entries in the Federal Central Register). A 40 centimeter long Rambo knife was also found near the drugs.

But the judges are more lenient: 4 years in prison, rehab, driving license revoked, 3 years driving license suspension.

The speeder remains in custody.


Trial speeder public prosecutor Berlin verdict
