Four years after Notre-Dame fire, reconstruction of spire starts | Abroad

The new spire should be identical to its predecessor, as designed by 19th-century architect Viollet-Le-Duc. It will be rebuilt with the original materials, oak for the structure and lead for the roof and ornaments. “The installation of the spire’s crank,” an 80-ton base consisting of a sophisticated assembly of oak pieces, “will be completed on Saturday,” four years to the day after the fire, the public institution in charge said. with the restoration project.

On April 15, 2019, the images of the burning Notre-Dame and the collapsing spire with its skeleton and part of its vaults had moved the whole world and triggered an unprecedented wave of solidarity (846 million euros in donations from 340,000 donors).

After two years devoted mainly to making the building safe, “restoration work is in full swing”. Inside, the walls are cleaned and decorations and vaults painted. The reinstallation of the large organ has also started. Fortunately, it was not damaged by the flames, nor by the water from the fire brigade. In November, stonemasons began to gradually rebuild the collapsed walls and vaults. The restoration of the medieval frameworks is also in full swing.
