Four suspicions of ontvoeringspoging van Quickenborne disappearing for Dutch parks | landlocked

Herbekijk: Van Quickenborne reacts to ontvoeringspoging

Before that, a suspected car with a Dutch number plate was found on the premises of the Minister in Kortrijk. In the wagons there were several vuurwapens, tension belts and fireproof material. The four suspicions that have been linked to the drugs environment, may be the plan of action in Van Quickenborne. Three suspects, men from 20, 29 and 48 years old, will be packed in the Dutch city of The Hague that day. The four suspected that a 21-year-old man would be arrested later that day, even in The Hague.

When the suspicion was raised with a different procedure for over-levering, it was possible to state that within the given time on the country. India ze de normal procedure verkiezen, the Rechtbank in Amsterdam must deliver within 60 days over hun overlevering.
