Four residents of Heerlen scammed by bank helpdesk fraud | 1Limburg

A man posing as an employee of the fraud helpdesk of a bank has stolen more than 27,000 euros from four victims in Heerlen. He hit his stride in two days.

That already happened in January. Police will release on Wednesday that the suspect is wanted.

Money transferred
A 71-year-old man from Heerlen was called on Sunday 19 January by someone posing as an employee of a bank’s fraud help desk. The man told the victim that a large amount of money had been transferred from his account to another account. The so-called bank employee indicated that he could secure the amount if he watches digitally. The Heerlenaar gave permission for this.

While the suspect was busy with an act, someone stood at the front door of the seventy to collect his debit cards. The man handed over his debit card unsuspectingly. But by the time he got suspicious, it was too late. In the meantime, five debit cards had already been made within a few minutes and thousands of euros had been stolen. The suspect who took the money has been caught on CCTV footage.

Tens of thousands of euros
A police investigation has shown that this was not the case with this victim. Three other residents of Heerlen were also victims of this scam. The suspect managed to loot a total of more than 27,000 euros in two days.

Police have now released a photo of the scammer in hopes of identifying the suspect.
