Four out of ten Dutch people do not feel well prepared for a disaster or crisis

Four out of ten Dutch people do not feel well prepared for a disaster or crisis. That appears from an investigation of the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) which appeared on Monday. People are mainly concerned about cyber threats and organized crime.

Of the 1,558 people who participated in the survey, 75 percent see cyber threats as “(very) likely”. 74 percent see organized crime as (very) likely. Both threats were already at the top of the list in the fall of 2022. People are also relatively concerned about tensions between population groups, geopolitical threats and extremism. The NCTV wrote in a previously published study that the chance of an attack by extremists in the Netherlands had increased in the past six months.

Three-quarters of people have prepared for threats. Half of them did not, because they felt that they could not do this themselves. People who did prepare, for example, stored extra fuel or took measures to better secure their home network. Others indicated that they had prepared an emergency kit.
