Four initiatives receive money from Initiatiefrijk De Wolden in the second round of this year

Four projects receive a subsidy from the Initiative Rich De Wolden scheme. The initiatives that will receive a contribution this time are the Historical Association de WijkKoekange, the swimming pool de Slenken in de Wijk, the art committee in Echten and the Struunpad in Koekangerveld. In total they receive almost 52,000 euros.

With the Initiative Rich De Wolden fund, the De Wolden municipal council supports projects by residents that contribute to the quality of life in the municipality. The total costs of the projects amount to more than 141,000 euros. This means that with a subsidy of 52,000 euros, in addition to the voluntary efforts of the residents, sponsorship of companies and subsidies from funds, projects can be realized that would otherwise not have come about.

Dickninge Wandel footbridge

The Historical Association de Wijk Koekange indicates the need to replace the Dickninge pedestrian bridge over the canal. This fulfills an important function for walkers and cyclists and is now in poor condition. The hiking trail on the Dickninge estate is widely used by people from the area but also from outside. The bridge is an indispensable part of an intensively used path around the Dickninge country house.

Swimming pool the Slenken

Swimming pool de Slenken wants to increase the attractiveness of the swimming pool by purchasing a family slide and water playground. As a result, the board expects more visitors to come to the pool. Swimming contributes to more exercise (healthy) and being together (social).

Olde Karke

Village Hall Foundation d’Olde Karke/Art Committee d’Olde Karke organize ‘Art in the Olde Karke’ and the art walking route. This is on a weekend in October.

Struunpad Koekangerveld

Stichting de Veldhoek/het Struunpad van Koekangerveld will professionalize the maintenance of the Struunpad and walking network by purchasing a new mower. The Struunpad Koekangerveld is an experience path, which was constructed on the basis of the municipality and Staatsbosbeheer. It is largely maintained by volunteers.

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