Four dead in possible family drama near Munich Abroad

In the German city of Weilheim, about 50 kilometers southwest of Munich, four people were found dead in a violent act on Friday. That has been reported to the police. Investigators suspect that a 59-year-old man killed two 57-year-old women and a 60-year-old man and then committed suicide.

They declined to provide details on the perpetrator’s motive. “That is still the subject of a criminal investigation,” said police spokesman Alexander Huber on Saturday. Since it is likely a personal incident and the alleged perpetrator is dead and did not pose any danger to the public, the police will not communicate about the case. It has only been disclosed that the suspected perpetrator and the victims were relatives.

The 60-year-old man was found dead in the garden of an apartment building Friday afternoon. About two hours later, the body of the suspected perpetrator was also found on a bench in a park. Finally, the two women were found lifeless in the 59-year-old’s home. Their bodies showed signs of “serious injuries,” according to police. An autopsy should reveal exactly how the two died. According to information from the German news agency DPA, the four dead in Weilheim are two sisters and their husbands.

If you have questions about suicide, you can contact the Suicide Line on the free number 1813 and on the website


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