Four dead after train crashes into group of track runners in Barcelona | Abroad

Four people were killed when a train crashed into a group of track runners near Barcelona. Spanish media report this.

The four were part of a group of seven people who crossed the tracks in a place where this was not allowed, according to the Civil Protection of Catalonia.

The accident happened at around 8:22 p.m. in Montmeló, Spanish railway company Renfe said. At the scene of the incident there was a bend with difficult visibility. The train driver was unable to avoid a collision. There were about 170 passengers on the train, but none of them were injured.


The emergency services arrived en masse. This included nine ambulances and a helicopter. Three psychologists were also deployed and the fire brigade sent seven teams.

Three people died on the spot. One person was seriously injured and later died. The three other track runners had to be taken to a hospital for treatment.

The Catalan police have launched an investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy.
