Forum disagrees with provincial support for Ukraine | 1Limburg

Forum for Democracy Limburg questions the province’s support for Ukraine last week. The Eastern European country was invaded on February 24 by a massive Russian force. The Maastricht Government then painted in the blue-yellow of the Ukrainian flag.

The war in Ukraine is costing an increasing number of lives and causing a huge influx of refugees. Within a week, millions of people have left their homes in fear of the Russian bombing.

Neutral message
Forum says in written questions to the provincial government that it “understands the great social anxiety and shares the concerns that a large-scale war will have for the civilians in both countries.” In its own words, the Limburg fraction ‘intensely sympathizes with all victims’. Nevertheless, Ruby Driessen, on behalf of the party, questions the expression of support of the Province of Limburg for Ukraine in distress. He wants the provincial government to act more modestly from now on and limit itself to a ‘broader pacifist and neutral message’.

Also read: Government turns blue-yellow: province supports Ukraine

‘little subtle’
Forum does not understand ‘the usefulness and necessity’ of illuminating the Government in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, blue-yellow. Driessen thinks the gesture is ‘well-intentioned but a little subtle expression of compassion.’ He believes that the action gives the impression that the provincial government is choosing a side. According to him in a ‘very complex conflict’. While in other foreign wars no such statement of support has been given.

Forum also points out that the ‘great dependence on gas supplies from Russia, the interests of Limburg companies in this country and future relations’ could be jeopardized by this. Driessen also mentions the referendum on the association agreement with Ukraine. He reminds the provincial government of the result of six years ago, long before the Russian invasion, when, according to him, 68 percent of Limburgers voted against. How outdated or relevant that is in this wartime, the party omits in the questions.

russian money
With these comments, Driessen’s faction is behind foreman Thierry Baudet. He refused, to the anger of the entire House of Representatives, to condemn the Russian invasion and stood up for President Putin.

One of the outcomes of the debate in The Hague is that the Court of Audit will shortly investigate whether, and if so, how political parties, politicians and interest groups are financed with money from the Russian Federation or with money from Russian (legal) persons. . Whether Baudet has ever accepted money from Russia or Russian persons or organizations has never been proven. Forum for Democracy was founded in the wake of the referendum on the association agreement with Ukraine.

Help request Ukraine
Forum for Democracy, together with SP and PVV, refused on Wednesday to join questions from D66, CDA, VVD, PvdA, SVL, Lokaal Limburg, GroenLinks, Fractie Palmen and 50Plus. These provincial factions are looking for a way in which Limburg can best provide aid to Ukraine.

Also read: Politicians want to know what Limburg can mean for Ukraine
