Forty kilometers of flags: New Buinen’s double centenary

Making them is one thing, hanging them is another story altogether. Some 65 people gathered this morning to help with the mile-long job. “It’s really great. Everyone is enthusiastic, and that with this weather added. That is really a gift”, Haverkate continues to beam.

The village called in several farmers to assist. A number of volunteers climb into a large container that is lifted by a tractor to hang flags from trees.

“It is a challenge to stand in such a container,” laughs Mariska van der Veen. “And I think there were too few volunteers who wanted to go in such a box because of fear of heights. Well, then I’ll sacrifice myself again,” she adds.

In addition to the flags, Nieuw-Buinen celebrates its bicentenary in more ways than one. Among other things with a large party tent and a full program for young and old. “Sometime in the middle of this month, a program magazine will be delivered door to door,” says Haverkate.

And when the festivities slowly die down after the first weekend in June, they don’t throw away flags. “Can I advertise?” Haverkate asks carefully. “They can then be purchased per kilometer for ten euros. That is not expensive and you can use them again afterwards.”

But first, the flag maker will enjoy her own creation, which will be on display until mid-June.
