Fortnite, revolution coming? Discover a first-person mode

Fortnite is not satisfied and is already studying other ways to surprise its players: on the horizon, a whole new view during gameplay.

I don’t pay for the arrival of Chapter 3 Season 3, Fortnite could soon introduce another big news for its players. The battle royale of Epic Games would in fact be about to welcome a completely different view on the battlefield. As discovered by a dataminer, for the first time in the long history of Fortnite, the game could soon receive a first-person mode.

Fortnite in first person –

As the popular leaker HypeX reports, Epic Games would have kicked off the development of a first-person mode in which, instead of seeing the entire character model like what happens today in the game, users would have a much closer view to the action and, on their screen, only the weapon in use. “This update, Epic has started working on some things regarding the first-person view mode“, Reads the leaker’s share. “There is no other information about it because, it seems, it is still in an early stage of development.”

An experiment –

There have been glitches from time to time that have allowed players to ‘try’ Fortnite’s first-person mode early, but so far Epic Games has never acknowledged this possibility. However, it seems that the American house is more and more open to experiment, season after season: a way in which not being able to build seemed for example a chimera and instead, over time, the idea became first an event, then even a fixed playlist. . While it’s unclear if first-person mode is being thought of as a separate playlist or only as an option during the gameplay, it is therefore possible that something is actually moving, and that he did it under the radar with the latest update.

08 June 2022 – 09:11
