Fortitudo, the protest falls: ‘All salaries paid’

The club has guaranteed that it has fulfilled its obligations and hopes “a sense of unity also for those who, unfortunately, have not always proved it”. Wednesday is in Pesaro

After the tensions on Monday, Fortitudo Bologna trained and on Wednesday they will be in Pesaro for the championship day which will be fully recovered after the postponement of January for the many cases of Covid. The Bologna club gave its version of the lack of training on Monday: “All the players regularly showed up at the PalaDozza to carry out an athletic and individual work session, the usual practice for a training session carried out on the day following the dispute of a match. official and that precedes the subsequent engagement by only 48 hours “. And on the economic issues underlying the problems with the players, “the Consortium confirms that it has fulfilled its economic obligations towards the players themselves who, to date, have received the remuneration to which they are entitled and at the same time has worked to guarantee, in any case , the future of Fortitudo “.


In view of the last 5 league games, decisive for salvation given that at the moment Fortitudo is penultimate, the company stated: “What we would like to have characterized this season finale both on and off the pitch is a sense of compactness and a spirit of belonging even for those who, unfortunately, have not always proved it ”.
