Fors me papaver voor opium teeld in Afghanistan are power overname Taliban

The Taliban verboden in April the production of drugs. Ook papaver may not have been more verbouwd, maar de oogst van dit jaar will volgens de UNODC grotendeels ongemoeid gelaten. Door het verbod steeg bovendien de prijs van papaver sterk. The first day of 2022 is one of the most likely winst days in years, after the UN organisation.

Boers earned last year still 425 million dollars (429 million euros) with opium papaver, that year what dat maar ran 1.4 million dollars (ruim 1.4 million euros). The UNODC warns that many people have been there since a little bit about it. Zullen aantrekken en deze maand volop papaver Zullen planned om the following year the oogsten.

Largest producent

Afghanistan is the largest producer of papaver there wereld. Subsequently shaded wordt in Afghanistan sea ground used for the tea of ​​opium papaver then in heel Latijns-Amerika for tea of ​​coca plants. That was the basis for the production of cocaine. Grandchildren used to work in Afghanistan in the papaverteelt near the public streets.

The UNODC monitors the papaverteelt in Afghanistan are 1994. All in 2018 and 2019 he will be more papaver verbouwd dan dit jaar.
