Formula 1 talent on Mick Schumacher’s footsteps: “The plan is …”

Dino Beganovic is Sweden’s greatest motorsport hope. The 18-year-old belongs to the well-known Ferrari Driver Academy. In the future, the youngster definitely wants to drive in Formula 1.

The path through the junior motorsport classes is rocky. Only a few drivers ultimately make it to the top in their career – to Formula 1.

Dino Beganovic would also like to drive in the premier class one day. “The plan is to make it to Formula 1 in a maximum of five years,” the Swedish motorsport talent told the newspaper.Aftonbladet“.

Via Formula 2 to Formula 1?

Beganovic is currently driving for Prema Racing in the Formula Regional European Championship. He currently leads the overall ranking in this series with 220 points. Beganovic ranks ahead of the Italian Gabriele Mini (179 points) and Paul Aron from Estonia (176).

In the past, the racing driver was already active in the Italian Formula 4 Championship and in the F3 Asian Series. The next step should be a start in Formula 3. Beganovic then wants to make it into Formula 1 via Formula 2.

Formula 1 talents like Mick Schumacher as role models

The 18-year-old is the first Swede to make the step into the Ferrari Driver Academy.

From a German perspective, the best-known current member is undoubtedly Mick Schumacher, who is completing his second season for Haas in Formula 1.

Beganovic is also aiming for the leap into the motorsport elite. “I want to go there and we’ll see how long I need in the other classes,” said the young driver about his goal of making it into Formula 1.

“It’s a lot about learning from the mistakes made and not making the same mistake twice,” revealed Beganovic about everyday life in the junior series.

Things “worked a lot better” this year, explained the leader of the Formula Regional European Championship. But Beganovic still has a long way to go before Formula 1.
