Formula 1 | Sainz: FIA graciously punished Russell after collision

For the fourth time this season, Carlos Sainz’s race was over after less than two laps. At Austin, the Spaniard only made it to the first corner before being sent into a spin by George Russell and forced to retire – despite having started from pole position.

The Ferrari driver describes this as one of the “most difficult moments” of the season. “And for what was previously a perfect weekend to be ruined by something out of your control is really tough,” he says.

Sainz had already retired early in Melbourne, Imola and Suzuka after departures and accidents. “It’s especially frustrating when you don’t even get to drive because that’s why we travel to all these places,” he says. “But that’s how it is sometimes in motorsport or in life.”

Even four days after the incident, Sainz does not feel guilty and does not believe that he could have done anything differently. He and Max Verstappen were already on their way out of the corner, while Russell, in his view, hadn’t even actually completed the corner.

Apology “honours” Russell”

You expect an incident like that in midfield, where there are a lot of cars, but I haven’t seen that kind of incident that often in the top 4. And that’s why I was so frustrated after the race,” says the Spaniard.

At least Russell went to Sainz after the race to apologize. “That was nice,” says Sainz, finding Russell honors the behavior. “I always respect that,” he says. “But that doesn’t mean I’m happy now or that the FIA ​​haven’t been a little too kind to him.” The commissioners gave Russell a five-second penalty.

Sainz now hopes that it was bad luck for this season and that he has already ticked off all the unfortunate moments for the coming year.

Sainz with a positive look

And although Sainz is only fifth in the World Championships, he is happy with his personal performance this season. “I might be on the positive side now, but the fact that I have the speed is what makes me feel a lot more composed this year,” he says.

“And the fact that I’ve managed to come back to the season after a very difficult start and still reinvent myself, with my driving style, my car, my set-up, to suddenly be fighting with the two guys who are in formula 1 are in the best shape right now, namely Charles [Leclerc] and Max [Verstappen].

“Beating them and fighting with them for pole position makes me feel more relaxed about the whole situation. If they keep touching me in the first corner it’s frustrating but not for long because then I know I’ve got the speed have,” says Sainz.

“Usually sport sooner or later gives you back what it took from you. So I’ll take the positive in that sense.”
