Formula 1 | Revealed: This is how much Fernando Alonso earns at Aston Martin

Fernando Alonso took the Formula 1 world by surprise by signing a contract with Aston Martin. The Spaniard seems to be paying handsomely for his move from Alpine to the British racing team.

Two-time world champion Fernando Alonso is leaving Alpine at the end of the year to join Aston Martin from 2023. There he takes over the cockpit from Sebastian Vettel, who got the ball rolling in the first place with his announced end of career.

Like the portal”” Now reported, Alonso receives a princely salary even in old age as a racing driver. According to this, the Asturian will pocket the equivalent of around 17.5 million euros annually in the future.

However, the new salary would be lower than the current one: Information from “spotrac.comAccording to Alonso, Alpine currently earns the equivalent of around 19.5 million euros per year. Incidentally, Vettel’s current annual salary at Aston Martin is around 14.5 million euros.

Will Alonso sign long-term with Aston Martin?

In return for the supposed “loss” in salary, Alonso, who at 41 is the oldest driver in the field, was apparently able to sign a long-term contract with Aston Martin – a perspective that Alpine had probably not offered him. As “” reports, this is valid until the end of 2025. The racing team had not given any information about the term.

Alpine reportedly only had a one-year deal with an option for a further year in mind for their top rider. If the old master were actually to be on the road for Aston Martin in Formula 1 for another three years, he would be 44 at the end of his career.

Fernando Alonso ushered in turbulent days at the Formula 1 team with his decision to leave Alpine at the turn of the year. The racing team around team boss Otmar Szafnauer, who until the end had firmly assumed that Fernando Alonso would be extended, presented Oscar Piastri as his successor without his consent.
