Formula 1 live ticker: Jeddah Street Circuit



Hamilton starts early

Lewis Hamilton starts early and the Briton is already on his way. Yesterday things didn’t go perfectly at Mercedes and you had to fight a lot with the bouncing.



Start 3rd training

The traffic lights are green, the 3rd training session in Jeddah has started. The first drivers have already steered their cars onto the track.


Hulkenberg to Stroll

As in the first race weekend, Nico Hülkenberg was close to Lando Stroll, but the German was not really among the front runners. The Aston Martin still does not get up to speed and Hülkenberg did not come out higher than 16th place.


Haas steps back

After her strong showing at the start of the season in Bahrain, Haas appears to have taken a step back. Kevin Magnussen was plagued by technical problems on Friday and the Dane lost a lot of testing time. Fatal, because he hasn’t driven the route yet. For his part, Mick Schumacher found himself in 13th place in the second practice session.


Leclerc ahead on Friday

On the track, it was Charles Leclerc who was the center of attention. After his victory in Bahrain, the Monegasque was also the fastest driver in the two practice sessions on Friday. Close on his heels, however, was Max Verstappen. The Dutchman was second in each race and set his best times on harder tyres. For him it is therefore certainly important to get the soft tires to work today. Carlos Sainz was third. Sergio Perez finished fourth.


Racing events take a back seat

The action on the track at the Grand Prix in Saudi Arabia quickly slipped into the background on Friday. Yemeni Houthi rebels attacked an oil refinery near the race track on Friday afternoon, raising concerns about the safety of the race track. Before the 2nd training, there was a short meeting with the teams, before a few more meetings were scheduled after the training, in which the next few days were discussed. As of now, however, Formula 1 wants to stick to its schedule for the weekend.


Hello and welcome to day two of the Formula 1 weekend in Saudi Arabia. At 3:00 p.m. the 3rd training session is on the agenda.
