Formula 1 in Zandvoort runs smoothly through Brabant cleverness

Of course Jeroen van Glabbeek hopes that Max Verstappen will win the Grand Prix Formula 1 at Zandvoort on Sunday. As director of the Breda ICT company, he is the main sponsor of the Zandvoort circuit. But Van Glabbeek will mainly use the next three days to show potential customers at Zandvoort how his technical cleverness makes the event run smoothly.

Drivers, camera crews and racing fans from all over the world will descend on the ‘ circuit Zandvoort’ in the coming days. Three years ago, the company became the main sponsor of the racetrack. For Van Glabbeek it provides brand awareness, but above all an opportunity to show what his company is capable of.

The other Formula 1 circuits and various companies and organizations from home and abroad will come behind the scenes this weekend to see how has arranged everything.

Van Glabbeek proudly says: “With 330,000 visitors in three days, the Grand Prix is ​​the largest event that has ever been held in the Netherlands. For the return of Formula 1, almost everything had to be rebuilt from the ground. There were fantastic opportunities for us. “

The sponsorship by is also quite clear from the air.  (photo:
The sponsorship by is also quite clear from the air. (photo:

For example, the presale of tickets was approached differently. Van Glabbeek: “In the past you had to lie in a sleeping bag in front of the tourist office or, recently, you had to queue for hours online at the Coldplay ticket sales in the hope of getting a ticket. This is quite frustrating for the customer.”

People could register online for Formula 1 at Zandvoort. “They were given two weeks to quietly look over the internet where they wanted to sit and which tickets were available. This resulted in much less stress. You also keep in touch with the people who ultimately did not have a ticket. make you happy next time.”

Thanks to no coins or cash: everything digital.  (photo:
Thanks to no coins or cash: everything digital. (photo:

His company has also ensured that you do not have to queue for coins in Zandvoort. “As a consumer, I really hate that. That’s why we made sure that all thousand cash registers accept debit cards and smartphone payments. This has never been done on such a large scale with a secure online connection, but we can do it,” says Van Glabbeek.

Another clever trick: “If visitors can’t find the entrance, they can send an app. Our system immediately shows the way. But the organization also gets tips where they can place extra route signs, for example.”

The Breda company is now showing in the exciting world of motorsport that, just like Max, it belongs to the world top in its field.
