Formula 1 in Azerbaijan | “More show doesn’t mean more good sport!”

The fourth race of the 2023 Formula 1 season in Baku was also dominated by the Red Bull duo Sergio Pérez and Max Verstappen. Checo is at least currently keeping up with the reigning world champion and was able to defeat him for the second time in 2023. In the end, everything will take care of itself, RTL reporter and F1 expert Felix Görner is sure. In addition to the title fight, Görner also targeted the new format of the Aderbaijan weekend: The conclusion in his column is sobering.

More excitement, but also more confusion.

The new format from Friday to Sunday is too complicated. It’s as simple as Pythagorean theorem or a binomial formula – and not good at that. The fan is misled. He has to think about what happens on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The old dramaturgy of Formula 1, in a way its DNA, is being taken apart.

I agree with Max Verstappen, that’s over the top and not in the right direction. If I place something relevant for Sunday on Friday and Saturday comes in between, then it’s no longer the ABC, but the CAB or something else. That’s all rubbish!

Felix Görner is an RTL reporter and Formula 1 expert

The background is of course that there should be more action and more show. But more show doesn’t always mean more good sport. Formula 1 has to turn back and readjust this format again if you have already decided on the sprint races.

Anything that complicates a sport reduces the fan base. The fan likes simple rules and clarity, not a zigzag course. No, that’s not how the fan soul works!

Russell rebels against King Verstappen

Yes, the sprint race provides more stories. Otherwise we would not have found out that a future duel of extra quality would be George Russell against Max Verstappen.

It’s been seen: George Russell has the will and the ability to stand up to the king. That’s the ambition you can have, going head-to-head with the king.

Just like he did afterwards, to let everything roll off: champions are also made of this stuff! That’s very very good. The Sprint gave us this story.

What has the race taught us? Red Bull is supposedly showing us a duel. But the duel is a supposed one-on-one! The battle is called Max Verstappen – he’s number one.

You can now drive the two against each other. That will take care of itself over the course of the year because Max Verstappen is simply the better and faster throughout the season with the different race layouts.

Sergio Pérez will curse Hermann Tilke and all the track designers and ask: Why aren’t there only city tracks? Then he would be on the way to becoming world champion. He can still hope for Monaco or Singapore. Otherwise it will take care of itself because Verstappen will win the third title.

But at least there’s spice in it!

Balance of power in Formula 1 clearly clarified

A record will certainly fall this year, namely the number of double wins. In four races there have been three double wins so far, that shows the dominance! I don’t believe in Santa Claus, nor that the other teams will catch up.

It’s about becoming “Best of the Rest”. Sometimes it’s an Alonso, sometimes it’s Ferraris or maybe soon a Mercedes. That’s definitely the balance of power!

Felix Gorner
