Formula 1 | Horner renews refusal of new teams: “If you look at the pit lane …”

Red Bull team boss Christian Horner has put forward the next argument why there should be no eleventh and twelfth team in Formula 1: According to him, there is simply not enough space on some routes to accommodate additional Formula 1 teams – although According to the regulations, up to 26 vehicles would theoretically be possible.

“If you look at the pit lane, for example here [in Miami] or somewhere in Monaco or Zandvoort or at some of the circuits we’re racing at now, where could we fit an eleventh team?” asks Horner, once again putting himself up against additional competition.

In Miami, Formula 1 had its paddock in Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium, which of course limits the space, and at the races in Monaco or Zandvoort mentioned, the narrow pit lane is often criticized, which is hardly suitable for accommodating even more teams .

However, Formula 1 had even more teams in the past and was also on the road in Monaco & Co. Back then, all the teams were accommodated, but nowadays everything is a size bigger, Horner knows.

“That alone is an operational question: Where do we store the motorhomes? Where do we store the frame series? Where do the trucks go?” he asks. “I just think it would be incredibly difficult to be accommodated with the way the sport has evolved at the moment.”

It is well known that the ten existing teams are against newcomers anyway, even if they emphasize that they officially have no say. Above all, they fear that prize money will decrease because it is divided by more participants – although each newcomer has to put down an entry fee of 200 million US dollars, which is divided among the teams.

But Formula 1 around Stefano Domenicali has also sided with the teams. The Italian has repeatedly emphasized that a new team must increase the value of Formula 1.

Brown: New teams yes, but no dreamers!

Only McLaren CEO Zak Brown had recently spoken out in favor of a new team, should it be serious. Because he has seen many “dreamers” in recent years who wanted to try their hand at various series. “What we don’t need is a team that underestimates everything here and then leaves after two years,” he says.

According to him, there has been a lack of reasonable candidates in recent years: “The only reasonable, sustainable team I’ve seen in the past ten years is Günther’s [Steiner]”, he refers to the Haas team, which came into the sport in 2016 as the last newcomer to date.

Before that, Lotus, Virgin and HRT were the last true newcomers in 2010, but none of them have been on the grid for years. “So we have to make sure that someone who applies really has the necessary commitment and can meet the requirements,” he says, while praising the Haas team. “We need more teams like this.”

More cars would be “exciting”

Brown has fond memories of the old days when Formula 1 had to hold pre-qualifying sessions to determine which teams were allowed to take part in the race weekend and which had to leave earlier. “Back then, 30 cars wanted to take part,” he says, and finds the large number of teams “exciting”.

“Adding the right teams with the right resources to the grid is an added value and if they help grow the sport then I’m all for it,” said Brown.

An FIA call for tenders for new teams that can apply to start in 2025, 2026 or 2027 is currently running until May 15th. There is no shortage of interested parties.

The applications from Andretti-Cadillac, Hitech and an Arab project called Formula Equal are well known. Recently, a Southeast Asian team called LKY SUNZ announced its application for Formula 1. In addition, there could still be applicants that the public has not yet heard about.
