Formula 1: Fake Schumi interview has consequences

The Formula 1 interview posse has consequences: After the scandalous fake Schumi interview in the magazine “Die Aktuell”, the media group separates from the responsible editor-in-chief Anne Hoffmann.

Background: In the current issue with the title: ‘Michael Schumacher – The first interview!’ became a “world sensation!” promised. However, the published interview was created using artificial intelligence (AI). The publisher also apologizes to the Schumacher family

“This tasteless and misleading article should never have appeared,” writes Funke Magazine Managing Director Bianca Pohlmann in an official statement available to RTL.

“It in no way meets the standards of journalism that we – and our readers – expect from a publisher like Funke.”

This will have “immediate personnel consequences”: “the current” editor-in-chief Anke Hoffmann, who has been responsible for journalism for the newspaper since 2009, will be “released from her duties as of today”.

For Funke, this unspeakable incident is far from over…

Formula 1: The Schumacher family wants to sue

As RTL learned, the Schumachers want to take legal action against both “Die Aktuell” and the site with which the AI ​​interview was made. The press release does not say how Funke intends to deal with this. Even when asked by RTL, the media group did not comment on this.

With the fake interview, “Die Aktuell” specifically tried to deceive its readers. Only the subline – much smaller than the lurid title – says: “It sounds deceptively real.”

It is not immediately clear that this is an interview that was not the result of questions to Michael Schumacher, but to an AI chatbot.

The specialist magazine “Übermedien” writes: “A remarkable cheek.” Which should probably not only have personal consequences. With that and an apology, the Schumacher family will hardly be mollified.
