Formula 1 | Comeback? Sebastian Vettel “can’t rule anything out”

Two more races, then it’s over. Sebastian Vettel’s career end is near. On Sunday at the Sao Paolo Grand Prix (from 5.45 p.m. on RTL) he will be returning to a racetrack of which he has very special memories. In 2012 he became world champion for the third time in Brazil. And now the end of his era is near. Or maybe not? When asked about a possible comeback, Vettel makes fan hearts beat faster for a brief moment.

Sebastian Vettel actually wants to do it like TV entertainer Stefan Raab. In the “Spiegel” interview, the four-time Formula 1 world champion explained that he wants to distance himself from motorsport and want to “withdraw”. At least in the next few months.

But even his great idol Michael Schumacher had his problems with the distance to his great horse love and finally returned to the racetrack. Why not Sebastian Vettel? In the RTL interview, he does not seem to be completely averse to the whole thing: “I think the moment you resign, you resign. But you can’t rule anything out.”

That will certainly make some fan hearts beat faster. When asked about his big idol and the comeback, he explains in the RTL interview: “I think everyone is different. Everyone has a different life and goes their own way. Maybe there are certain parallels here and there, but I think I can I can’t answer the question in that sense. Today I can answer it with ‘No’, but maybe next year or two years I will think about it completely differently. Time will tell.”

Vettel hopes for competitive Aston Martin

The good thing is that he still has two races to go. And since the Heppenheimer wants to turn anything but just lame farewell rounds. “I’m looking forward to the weekend and I hope we’re a bit more competitive.” The sprint races in particular offer good opportunities: “Well, it’s important to find your way straight away and then we’ll let ourselves be surprised,” said the 35-year-old.

Vettel and Aston Martin are still fighting for sixth place in the Constructors’ Championship, thanks to a significant improvement in the second half of the season. If Vettel and his racing team gain four points on Alfa Romeo on the remaining two race weekends, they will climb up one place and secure a significantly higher premium.
