Formula 1 | Battle for the Haas cockpit: what speaks for Mick Schumacher, what for Nico Hülkenberg?

There are increasing signs that the battle for the second Haas cockpit for the 2023 Formula 1 season will be decided between Mick Schumacher and Nico Hülkenberg. Both have some arguments on their side. However, in both cases there are also reasons that speak against an obligation.

According to unanimous reports, Mick Schumacher and Nico Hülkenberg are the two pilots who are ahead in the race for the second Haas cockpit. Other candidates such as Antonio Giovinazzi or Daniel Ricciardo are mentioned again and again, but they are only given outsider chances. A German-German duel is the much more likely scenario.

What speaks for an extension with Mick Schumacher, what for a commitment from Nico Hulkenberg – and what against it?

The clearest pro-argument that Mick Schumacher has on his side is his potential. Nobody knows how good the 23-year-old can become. Does he have what it takes to be a victory driver, maybe even more? Possible. After only two years, this cannot be definitively assessed. But time is on his side.

Mick has already taken a step forward this year. His second season in Formula 1 is basically his “second first season”. The rule changes turned the premier class of 2022 inside out. Much is new, much is different. This is not only a challenge for Schumacher. Even established pilots have needed time to get used to it – and some have not managed to do so to this day.

In this context, Schumacher’s development was not as rapid as hoped, but not as bad as it is sometimes said. Especially towards the end of the season he often showed the consistency demanded by team boss Steiner. The 23-year-old corrected his sometimes major mistakes from the first few weeks, and in the last eight races he finished ahead of his team-mate six times.

Schumacher’s biggest problem could be his legacy. Haas knows what Mick is capable of on a good day. However, the team also knows what happens when he has a bad day.

Schumacher’s accidents not only cost the team a lot of money, but also important points in the World Championship standings. Especially at the beginning of the season, Haas was still superior to some of the midfield competition. That was the time to create a cushion, get the big points. Kevin Magnussen did that, Schumacher didn’t. With his accidents in the first half of the season, he instead produced costs that were later missing for further development. Steiner and Co. will also fear a similar scenario in 2023.

Ultimately, Schumacher’s big swings in form over the course of an entire season are the biggest concern for those responsible for Haas. A driver who finishes tenth ten times gives the team more in the final standings than a driver who finishes fifth once and does not finish in the points in the other nine races. Both would have got ten points in the end, but only one could be relied on. There are doubts that Mick Schumacher can be that pilot.

  • The case of Nico Hulkenberg

This is where Nico Hulkenberg comes into play. The Emmericher is something like the “Mr. Reliable” of Formula 1. “Hulk” is an experienced driver who not only protects the material, but also one who can get the best out of the car week after week. Form fluctuations like Mick Schumacher are not to be feared with him.

During his emergency operations in recent years, the 35-year-old has also proven that he has not lost the speed of the past few days. How he jumped into the breach for Sebastian Vettel “cold” and without preparation at the beginning of the 2022 season cannot be overestimated and speaks for “Hulk’s” professionalism. Of course, that also made an impression on Günther Steiner and the Haas bosses.

With a commitment from Hülkenberg, Haas would also switch off the annoying background noise that is inevitable when a racing team has Michael Schumacher’s son under contract. Whether it’s uncle Ralf’s public scolding or uncomfortable questions from the German media: the name Schumacher is not only a burden for Mick, but also for his employer. With Hülkenberg there would almost certainly be a little more peace behind the scenes at the US racing team.

On paper, only his age speaks against a commitment from Hülkenberg. At 35, he is not a man for the future. However, Haas does not see itself as a training center for young drivers. The experiences from the 2021 season have strengthened the racing team in this. “I’ll be done with rookies for the foreseeable future,” confirmed Steiner in Singapore.

The question of the money remained. A Nico Hülkenberg would probably be a little more expensive to maintain than Mick Schumacher. Haas will calculate whether the additional financial outlay is worth it. However, this aspect will only play a subordinate role in the final decision-making process, because in Formula 1 the question of how much a driver can bring in is more important than the question of how much a driver costs. It shouldn’t surprise anyone when Haas concludes that Nico Hulkenberg has more potential than Mick Schumacher here.

Christian Schenzel
