Formula 1 | Alpine and Williams expect Piastri to join

Alpine team boss Otmar Szafnauer was surprisingly clear about Oscar Piastri’s future at the FIA ​​press conference in Canada on Saturday. Despite his Formula 2 and Formula 3 title wins in his rookie season, the Alpine reserve driver went away empty-handed for the 2022 Formula 1 season.

When asked if Piastri will drive Formula 1 in 2023, Szafnauer says: “Yes!” The Australian has recently been linked with Williams being able to replace the ailing Nicholas Latifi during the current season. Williams team boss Jost Capito denied this, but was not averse to an assignment in the coming season.

With two-time Formula 1 World Champion Fernando Alonso expected to stay with Alpine beyond the end of the season and Esteban Ocon on a long-term contract until the end of 2024, Alpine are prepared to loan Piastri to another team for next year .

Williams Team Principal Capito: Piastri is on our list

According to Szafnauer, Alpine have “some options” for Piastri, meaning there is “no rush” to decide on his future. “We will take our time and look around and make a decision at the right time during the season,” added Szafnauer.

However, Szafnauer did not comment on whether an agreement is already in place: “We don’t talk about the details of our contracts with the drivers. That’s something we never do. As much as I’d like to say that, I can’t, but all I can say is, ‘yeah, that’s the plan’ [dass Piastri nächstes Jahr in der Formel 1 fährt].”

Williams team boss Jost Capito emphasizes that Piastri is “ready to get into Formula 1” and is “for sure” on his list. At the same time, he is sure that not only Williams has the Australian on the slip.

Latifi’s difficulties early in the season have led to rumors he could be replaced by Piastri as early as this season’s Silverstone. However, Capito says that given the existing contracts, Williams will finish the year with the current team: “We have no other plans,” says Capito. “Both have a contract for this season and our plan is to fulfill it.”

Asked about the speculation linking Piastri with a mid-season debut for Williams, Szafnauer said: “I’ve read it and it’s hard for me to predict the future on that and I don’t want to either. But I have no more knowledge than you.”
