What is Formosa Software Factory?
It is a company focused on the Development and Manufacturing of Techno-Educational Solutions and Advertising Video Games.
It manufactures the TOMI 6 or TOMI Simple Digital Whiteboards, adapts the TOMI 7 Teacher’s Assistant, manufactures the THScreen Digital Whiteboards, Screens and Touch Tables, Educational Creative Kits and implements the SIMA Robot Factory, in relation to the EdTech vertical and Develops advertising Video Games along with Totems and Interactive Devices to play them.

How was the development of Advertising Video Games born?
We have been dedicated for more than 20 years to the rental of equipment, Computers, Notebooks, Projectors, Screens, etc, for companies and Events, over time they began to ask us for this type of development and with the spirit of seeking to provide the best service to the clients were adding developers to the Staff.
Until the pandemic we had been developing on demand, the disappearance of events for almost 2 years gave us time to reinvent ourselves, improve the creative process and incorporate more practical hardware to optimize the service.
In this way we arrive with a very competitive offer from the client’s investment side, both from the video game itself, as well as in Totems, Touch Tables, or mobile devices.

What type of customer demands this type of product?
Essentially they hire us Marketing agencies, but by having generated our own Video Game Development platform, such as equipment manufacturing, we were able to substantially lower rental and development costs, making it possible today for any company regardless of size to use this marketing strategy. and data collection.

Why does a Company request the Development of a Personalized Video Game?
Gamifying an action greatly facilitates the scope of its objective, if for example I want to generate a data collection action, or when I have to transmit a message, it is much easier through the game, in the same way to evaluate the staff or train them and from now on as a Brand presence.

What projection do you see of the national and international market?
The Videogames industry is the most dynamic and with the greatest capacity for growth within the Creative Industries, although we have focused on a small sector of this industry, whose greatest development is in the area of ​​Digital Entertainment and Leisure, Gamification which is used in Schools, Serious Games and Advergames, in corporate environments, are spaces with a notable boost and even more so with the growth of the Metaverse.
It is a niche with many opportunities for those who are in this segment of the Knowledge Economy, without a doubt.

How should those who want a personalized Video Game of the Brand or the Company do?
You can contact us through or, by phone at 0810-333-4878 or WhatsApp +54911-4300-0057


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