Former top model Linda Evangelista on Vogue cover: ‘But that’s not my jaw and neck in real life’ | entertainment

“That’s not my jaw and neck in real life. I can’t walk around with tape and elastics everywhere. You know what, I try to love myself as I am,” said Evangelista after the shoot for which she was thoroughly overhauled by a makeup artist. “The tape resolves some of the insecurities that allowed me to feel confident for this shoot while doing what I love most.”

Linda Evangelista was once one of the most photographed and most expensive fashion models in the world, but for the past five years she hardly dared leave her house. That was due to undergoing a “fat-freezing” CoolSculpting treatment, according to the medical center offering “a less invasive alternative to liposuction,” to which her body reacted completely wrong.

After the six-month treatment, Evangelista noticed in mid-2016 that bulges were forming on her chin, back and hips, around her chest and under her armpits. Precisely in the places where she wanted to lose weight, bubbles now appeared that became harder and harder and finally felt like ‘dead’ spots. Evangelista turned out to be the victim of ‘paradoxical fat hyperplasia’, a known but rare side effect of freezing fat mass.

Linda announced last year that she is filing a lawsuit against CoolSculpting’s parent company Zeltiq Aesthetics.
