“Former Telstar striker Reda Kharchouch makes a spicy switch within Rotterdam”

Reda Kharchouch is about to make the switch from Sparta to Excelsior in the Eredivisie. His former trainer Mike Snoei announced this today NH Sports.

The Amsterdam Kharchouch became Telstar’s top scorer with twenty goals in the 2019/2020 season and this earned him a transfer to Sparta. At the club from Rotterdam-West, he only played 385 minutes in his first season. Last season, the 26-year-old striker was therefore loaned to FC Emmen, where he contributed seven goals to the championship of the team from Drenthe.

striker position

At Excelsior, Kharchouch will fill the vacant striker position after the departure of Thijs Dalinga. Dalinga scored 36 goals for Excelsior last season and thus earned a transfer to the French Toulouse.
