Former secretary Bravis hospital acquitted of snooping in files

Great relief for 59-year-old Sylvia from Roosendaal, who for years has been snooping through medical files as a secretary in the emergency department of the Bravis hospital. The judge in Breda acquitted her on Wednesday afternoon. According to the judge, there is insufficient evidence that Sylvia secretly looked at the medical files of her husband’s ex-wife.

The case caused a lot of controversy and has all the ingredients of a soap. For example, medical data from the ex-wife of Sylvia’s husband would be in a book. The book that Sylvia has self-published together with her husband.

Book about fighting divorce
The victim, Johanna, found out that her files had been sniffed when the offending book about the divorce was published. In it, the woman is razed to the ground and medical details about her can be read. The book has since been banned by the court.

Sylvia says she never made it past the front page of records while working at the hospital. According to her, the Bravis hospital released her in a panic. The judge also finds that there is not sufficient evidence that the woman has looked into Johanna’s medical file.

Johanna, the alleged victim, was allowed to make a statement in court on Wednesday. In it she says that she felt the ground sink under her when she saw the book: “I am portrayed as a witch. The book may be banned, but it keeps popping up again, it bothers me a lot.” Johanna says she suffers from insomnia and panic attacks.

sensible children
It became clear after the lawsuit that peace between the two exes is no longer there. The two women don’t look each other in the eye. When Sylvia’s husband tells him that he has not been allowed to see his children for years because of the quarrels, his ex shouts: “That’s because you have sensible children”. Now that Sylvia has been acquitted, the case has been criminally settled.

Johanna is not done with it yet, she says. It is difficult for her to accept the acquittal: “There is sufficient evidence, only the judiciary does not want to see it,” she says. According to Johanna, the fact that the book that her ex-husband wrote has been withdrawn from the market says enough: “A book is not just banned.”

The judge also acknowledges that the criminal case does not receive the beauty prize. After the hearing, he spoke of a criminal drama and said that many mistakes were made.
