Former political chief is eleven years old in the storming Capitool | Buitenland

The accuser was 12.5 years old and was born to the 59-year-old host. Hij will be released in July for four aanlachten, waaronder het belemmeren van an officiële procedure and disturbing gedrag with a gevaarlijk of dodelijk wapen in a beperkt area.

On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump’s supporters were stormed into parliament in Washington, and one of them was met with the election of Joe Biden. He bestaan ​​heel wat seedzweringstheorieën over what he the dag precies is beurd. Bij de bestorming kwamen vijf mensen om het leven.

There are 1,230 people in custody and indicted. Sea and 450 people living room. The mere end of the crime is a criminal offense.
