Former mayor Damsma director at hospice in Assen

Former mayor Mieke Damsma of Midden-Drenthe has a new job. She has been director of hospice Het Alteveer in Assen since March 1.

Damsma was mayor of Central Drenthe from the end of 2017 to November 2021. She left there early because of, among other things, ‘a difficult relationship’ with the city council. Damsma has extensive managerial experience. Before her job as mayor, she was successively a municipal councilor, party leader of D66 and alderman in Maastricht.

Hospice Het Alteveer, where people can stay in the last phase of their lives, was opened more than a year ago on Ter Aardseweg in Assen. Compared to the old hospice on Burgemeester Agterstraat, the building is twice as large. In addition, the new building is more modern and has more different types of rooms.

Due to the growth, the work for the staff has increased. It was therefore decided to appoint a director. A new coordinator has also been appointed. “As a board, we are pleased that we were able to complete the procedures so quickly. The continuity of care for our guests and their loved ones is thus guaranteed,” said the board of the hospice.
