Former Governor Chris Christie withdraws from Republican primary

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie withdrew from the Republican primary for the US presidency on Wednesday. International news agencies report this. Christie, who opposed former President Donald Trump, did not have a good chance of becoming the Republican presidential candidate. An Ipsos and Reuters poll on Tuesday evening showed him with only 2 percent support from Republicans.

“My goal has never been just to be a voice against the hatred, division and selfishness of what our party has become under Donald Trump,” Christie said at a rally in New Hampshire. “I have always said that if there came a time in this race where I could no longer see a path to being nominated, I would drop out.” He then announced that he was quitting. Christie did not say whether he supports any of the other candidates.

The Republican primaries officially start next Monday with the so-called Iowa Caucuses. This is traditionally the first state to hold an election competition every four years. Currently, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are the two main candidates still in the race to defeat predecessor Donald Trump, although they too are in polls tens of percentage points trailing the former president. Haley and DeSantis debated on Wednesday evening, shortly after Christie announced his departure. Trump did not participate, but was seen on a different channel at the same time.

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