Former ‘Fox’ presenter Tucker Carlson lances own betaalde streaming service | Buitenland

This year, the ‘Fox News’ broadcast presenter Tucker Carlson is starting his own betaalde streaming service, called the ‘Tucker Carlson Network’. The presenter brought the canteens into service and the people working for him at ‘Fox’.

For 72 dollars per year, Carlson “de onopgesmukte waarheid” te verkondigden through middel van commentaar, interviews, new reports and documentaires. “I can’t stop and tell the truth that I’ll die.”

The new onderneming comes to Ruim zeven maanden nadat Carlson, with dagelijks 3.5 mijoen kijkers de popular gastheer at ‘Fox’, onverwacht werd ontslagen. The accessories of ‘Fox’ are always on-middellijk and have a contract. ‘Fox’ has published no other publication and Carlson has said that “the real mystery of the mysteries is not there in the doorway”.

Carlson now covers the world of subscription services with a variety of products, including ‘The Tucker Carlson Encounter’, ‘The Tucker Carlson Interview’, ‘After The Tucker Carlson Interview’, ‘Tucker Carlson Uncensored’ and ‘Tucker Carlson Films’. In the show ‘Ask Tucker Carlson’ the presenter asked for subscriptions and received advice.

“I really like it,” said Carlson, who was a guest on ‘The Megyn Kelly Show’, as well as another former ‘Fox’ presenter. “I want to be happy.”
