Former fisherman sentenced to one year in prison for arson in Ostend harbour

Former fisherman sentenced to one year in prison for arson in Ostend harbour

The facts took place on December 9 last year. A 41-year-old man threw a Molotov cocktail at the lock of the port of Ostend. A man from Diksmuide would also be involved, who will receive an eight-month prison sentence.

Limited damage

The Ostend resident could hardly accept that he had lost his job as a fisherman. That is why he and his companion threw the Molotov cocktail in the hope that the boats could no longer sail. In the end, the damage was fairly limited and the police were able to arrest the perpetrators on the spot.


For the time being, the Ostend resident is in jail. The Public Prosecution Service demanded a one-year effective prison sentence, but the man expresses his regret. “He wanted to play a trick on his former employer, but that ultimately turned out very badly for himself,” says lawyer Mélanie Sevenant. His companion’s counsel states that the Diksmuide resident only allowed himself to be carried away by the frustrated ex-fisherman.
