Former celebrity host Reinald Nohal died at the age of 84

Reinald Nohal was always affectionately called

Reinald Nohal was always affectionately called “Renaldo” by his regular guests Photo: picture alliance

By Iris Rosendahl

He gave the West Berlin chic a home. Reinald Nohal, one of the co-founders of the legendary Berlin celebrity bar Paris Bar, died on August 16 at the age of 84.

As BZ learned, his widow Irmelin Nohal and his girlfriend Daniela von Arnim invited the Berlin Society on September 19th to the funeral service at the Wilmersdorf Cemetery a.

Reinald Nohal was not only an artist and author, but also ran the legendary Paris Baris on Kantstrasse (Charlottenburg) together with his partner Michel Würthle (78) for decades.

Founded the VIP living room of West Berlin, the Paris Bar

Founded the VIP living room of West Berlin, the Paris Bar Photo: Ufuk Ucta

Ex-Interior Minister Otto Schily (90) advised the two to buy in 1978. They put a lot of money from private individuals and banks into the run-down artists’ bar.

And it became the living room of the VIPs. Star hairdresser Udo Walz (1944-2020) offered to help with the dishes in the Paris Bar, and movie star and regular guest Otto Sander (1941-2013) was even honored with a name tag mounted on the counter.

But Nohal and Würthle overreached themselves. 11 years ago, the Paris bar duo were sentenced to two years’ probation in prison for tax evasion.

The restaurant is still the living room of the stars.

1979: Michel Würthle (left) and Reinald Nohal as the proud owners of the newly opened Paris Bar

1979: Michel Würthle (left) and Reinald Nohal as the proud owners of the newly opened Paris Bar Photo: Adolf Press

In April of this year, Nohal invited to his last exhibition, entitled: “Suffering hurts”.


Berlin celebrities restaurant death
