Former care home turns into refugee shelter | 1Limburg

Starting next week, about 100 refugees from Ukraine will be received in the Beerendonck in Venlo. Until a few years ago, the building served as a nursing home.

The first refugees are expected to arrive in the former care home in the course of next week.

“At the moment there are 75 beds for adults, divided over 47 rooms. Additional beds can be added and cots can be placed if necessary. The expectation is that we will come to about 100 people,” says Inge Coenen of municipality of Venlo.

Itching in the fingers
Several Venlo residents come to the rescue in preparing the location. For Herm Roebers, the war images on television were reason to be busy in the Beerendonck all week. “We started here on Monday evening emptying containers full of furniture. Yesterday morning I helped clear the rooms and now I’m turning on lights.”

Helping hand
The current residents of the building also rolled up their sleeves to welcome the refugees. It concerns about 40 people who live in the anti-squat building. Paddy of London is one of those residents and did not hesitate for a moment. “Fortunately, we live in a country where we can offer refugees shelter. I’m glad they come here, so we can help them immediately where necessary.”
