Former boxer Vladimir Klitschko wants greater isolation from Russian sport | Sport

“I personally have nothing against the athletes, but I do have nothing against the aggression of Russian President Putin and his war machine,” Klitschko, who was a multiple world heavyweight champion, said in an interview with British newspaper Mirror.

Klitschko and his brother Vitali, who is the mayor of Kiev, have stayed in their city to defend Ukraine.

Many international sports associations have already banned the Russians from their matches and tournaments because of the invasion of Ukraine, but there are also associations that allow Russians to participate under a neutral flag. Klitschko would prefer not to see any Russian athletes in international competitions at all. “It’s not an act of aggression. Russian athletes will ask their government why no one wants to play against them anymore,” Klitschko said. “Sanctions in sport are very important. We must stop this war, in the name of peace.”

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