Former alderman Arno Walraven thanks for advice Leudal | 1Limburg

Former alderman Arno Walraven will not be a member of the new city council of Leudal. Walraven (67) was the list pusher of Samen Verder at the elections, at the explicit request of the party.

But with 294 preferential votes he nevertheless won a seat.

Two sides
Walraven, who stopped as alderman more than a year ago due to health problems, speaks of a dilemma when choosing not to become a councilor. On the one hand, he claims to have gained the confidence of a lot of voters. Which pleasantly surprised him.

On the other hand, he thinks it is necessary and important that young people with ambitions come to the city council. According to Walraven, that was also the intention of the party when compiling the list.

“I’ve thought about it a lot. But I think I can explain it well to my constituents and that they understand,” said Walraven. “Young, new councilors also contribute to much-needed better relations in the city council.”

Own decision
Walraven, who co-founded Samen Verder in 1990, emphasizes that this is a decision that he has only made himself. Although the party has made an urgent appeal to him.

“That was ultimately the deciding factor for me. Taking the seat would mean that I would have chosen for myself, while I think youthful input is more important,” explains Walraven. He also thinks that so many people voted for him as a token of appreciation. “Perhaps otherwise they would have voted for Samen Verder”, says Walraven.

Also read: Together Continue again the largest in Leudal

Newcomer Patty Peeters (33) takes his place in the city council of Leudal. She received 281 votes, only 13 less than Walraven.

Peeters also received enough votes to be elected with preference. Yet she was eliminated because her party – despite remaining the largest – had ‘only’ seven seats to allocate.

And seven other candidates had more preference votes than her, including Walraven. Now that he is renouncing his seat, it is Peeters’ turn to become a councilor. “Also in view of the large number of votes from Patty, I am prepared to make my seat available to her. She has ambition and charisma and deserves a chance,” says Walraven.

Walraven was alderman intermittently for more than twenty years. First in Haelen, later in the merged municipality of Leudal. In 1986 he started his political career as a councilor in the then independent Horn. Since the foundation of Samen Verder in 1990 to 2014, he has always been the party leader. In 2018 he was in second place.
