Formation in Ede completed, presentation of coalition agreement on Monday | NOW

The formation of a new college of mayor and aldermen in Ede has been completed. Under the leadership of formateur Mark Boumans (VVD, previously also an informateur), SGP, ChristenUnie, GemeenteBelangen, CDA and PvdA have concluded a coalition agreement. Monday evening (19.30 hrs) the presentation is at the town hall.

The installation of the candidate aldermen follows a day later. These are: Arnold Versteeg (VVD), Leon Meijer (ChristenUnie), Peter de Pater (GemeenteBelangen), Jan-Pieter van der Schans (CDA) and Karin Bijl (PvdA). Versteeg and Bijl are new faces at the college. They take the places of Hester Veltman (VVD) and the vacant place of GroenLinks (previously occupied by Geert Ritsema).

Debate in city council

In mid-June there will be a debate in the city council about the coalition agreement. The exact date for the debate has yet to be determined and partly depends on the regular topics that are being discussed. If it is up to the intended coalition, the content of the coalition agreement will be debated as soon as possible.
