Forest fires | The figures of the disaster in La Culebra: 30,800 hectares burned in these 24 towns

On the fifth day of the fire in the Sierra de la Culebra there was no longer a “living flame” and the operative worked at Level 1, this meant that an important part of the displaced means of extinction returned to their places of origin.

The operation of the Board and the Ministry of Ecological Transition still faced tasks of auction, perimeter cooling and surveillance, in addition to working on the extinction of hot spots to prevent reproduction if the weather conditions changed. PIn the afternoon, 132 troops and 34 ground and air assets remained on the ground..

Throughout the day, Infoca’s severity level also dropped to Level 1, considering the Integrated Operations Coordination Center (CECOPI) that the fire was stabilized.

The balance: close to 30,800 hectares in a perimeter of 120 kilometers. The affected land extends through the terms of at least 24 towns of the Sierra de la Culebra and the Tera valley: Ferreras de Abajo, Sarracín de Aliste, Ferreras de Arriba, Litos, Cabañas de Aliste, La Torre de Aliste, Pobladura de Ready, Mahíde, San Pedro de las Herrerías, Boya, Villardeviervos, Cional, Codesal, Villanueva de Valrojo, Otero de Bodas, Villar de Farfón, Junquera de Tera, Vega de Tera, Mile de Tera, Olleros de Tera, Calzadilla de Tera, Pumarejo of Tera and Melgar

Winds of more than 70 kilometers per hour, heat near 40 degrees and low humidity They complicated the work of the troops until Saturday night, when the drop in temperatures during the sunset and the following morning facilitated the extinction work.

The dry storm, lightning and strong erratic winds produced eleven outbreaks between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. last Wednesday June 15 in the Sierra de la Culebra. The simultaneity of active fires in the area forced the Board to declare Level 2 severity at 10:20 p.m.

The Thursday 16 by afternoon, the flames had swept away almost 900 hectares in 24 hours.

Strong winds and heat continued to complicate work, and the friday the 17th Nearly 7,000 hectares were counted in the morning and 10,800 in the afternoon, and eight villages were evicted.

The saturday 18 it ended with more than 25,000 hectares burned, the cutting of the Orense-Zamora AVE line and eleven other towns evicted.

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The weather conditions changed on Saturday night. The drop in temperatures and the decrease in strong gusts of wind allowed the professionals to act without exceptional difficulties. and the work will bear fruit.

The next morning there was no flame and the fire was stabilized on its perimeter. The joint effort of the professionals deployed in the field, with the coordination of the Autonomous Command Center and the Provincial Centers, achieved the descent to Level 1 at 2:40 p.m. yesterday, Monday, June 20.
