Forest fire on military training ground, fire truck gets stuck again

A forest fire raged again on a military training area in Budel on Sunday. Fire brigades from Brabant and Limburg came to the scene. One of the fire trucks got stuck in the loose sand. Firefighters removed sand with shovels, allowing the car to drive again.

“The area where the fire is raging also turned out to be difficult to reach today,” said a spokesman for the Brabant-Zuidoost Fire Brigade.

It concerns a forest area on the Weerter and Budelerbergen. It lies on the border of Brabant and Limburg, which is why the fire brigade from both provinces came into action.

Firefighters are on alert
The fire was quickly brought under control on Sunday. They expect to be busy with post-extinguishing for a while. Also on Saturday, a fire broke out in this nature reserve, over an area of ​​30 by 30 meters. Even then fire trucks got stuck and a contractor had to help the trucks on their way again with a shovel.

The spokesperson indicates that they are extra careful about fires in nature reserves this weekend: “We are on edge these days, because the warm weather and the strong wind mean that we are more likely to have wildfires.”

More wildfires
It is expected that we will increasingly have to deal with wildfires that are difficult to tame. Experts from KNMI, among others, indicated this at the beginning of the year. This is because the climate is warming and it is getting drier.

A large fire also broke out in a nature reserve about ten kilometers across the Brabant border in De Maasduinen National Park in Limburg. There, about four hectares went up in flames, the fire is under control, but post-extinguishing will take hours.
